[IPython-dev] Curses Frontend

Wendell Smith wackywendell at gmail.com
Sun Mar 21 09:41:43 EDT 2010

Sorry I'm late in responding - I was traveling for some time, and then 
came back to a lack of internet which was only restored today...

As for urwid, I'm not sure... I haven't looked at it in detail, but at 
first glance, it seems to want to run its own mainloop, the 
documentation isn't great, and there seems to be nothing written 
anywhere about when / if it will be ported to python 3. I'll take a 
closer look, but I'm not sure. At least in my plan, there would be 
nothing very complicated in the use of curses - no menus, for example - 
and while it will be somewhat complicated to implement a nice text 
editing box on top of basic curses, I'm not sure if adapting the one 
from urwid will fit.

But with two positive recommendations to go on now, I'll give it a 
closer look than I did earlier; maybe it will make things easier.


On 03/12/2010 08:23 PM, Brian Granger wrote:
> Toni,
>> For the text mode version, I don't have first hand experience of neither
>>   curses nor Urwid development, but it Urwid seems nice and I have heard
>> good things about it from others who have developed using it. It seems
>> to have no deps aside from py itself - I'd think something to consider.
> I agree.  I hadn't looked at Urwid before, but it looks quite nice.
> It may be a better
> option than curses.
> Cheers,
> Brian

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