[IPython-dev] Running tests

Fernando Perez fperez.net at gmail.com
Thu Jan 14 18:23:38 EST 2010

Hey Jorgen,

On Thu, Jan 14, 2010 at 10:05 AM, Jörgen Stenarson
<jorgen.stenarson at bostream.nu> wrote:
> Fernando Perez skrev 2010-01-13 20:35:
>> On Mon, Jan 11, 2010 at 1:13 PM, Jörgen Stenarson
>> <jorgen.stenarson at bostream.nu>  wrote:
>>> I have tried both approaches with the same result.
>> BTW, try the new code I posted yesterday (if you're running from
>> branch, just bzr pull on it).  It should be a lot better, bug me if
>> not.
>> f
> There is something strange going on here.
> I just installed the latest trunk with setup.py install
> If I just use iptest then I get a bunch of tests run with a very verbose
> output i.e. one line for every test.
> With iptest -q I get lots of errors and failures it seems not all testgroups
> are used.
> Using the verbosity setting also generates lots of errors.

Yes, right now iptest handles options badly, I need to fix that:


> The output of iptest IPython.core looks strange:
> ............................................................................S...

I'm totally stumped by that verbosity, I have *no clue* where it's
coming from, though I've looked.  Tracked now:


Those ERROR messages aren't affecting the final result, but I still
want them gone:


> Is it possible to run the tests without installing?

Yes, I was running them yesterday without installing.  In Windows,
what I did was to add to my PYTHONPATH (Control Panel -> Sysstem->
Advanced -> Environment Variables) the source download directory, and
to my PATH C:\Python26\Scripts.  With those two things, I went to the
IPython/scripts directory, and in a console would type

python iptest


python iptest -v IPython.core


Note that right now, until I fix the bug abov, you should ONLY run

python iptest  # without ANY OPTIONS!


python iptest -any-option-you-want   IPython.something.something
python iptest -any-option-you-want   IPython.something.something:somefunc

Both of these were working fine for me.

I'm also curious, in addition to test-suite problems, is it working OK for you?




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