[IPython-dev] ipython sphinx directive

Fernando Perez fperez.net at gmail.com
Mon Dec 14 16:08:35 EST 2009


On Sun, Dec 13, 2009 at 7:07 AM, VáclavŠmilauer <eudoxos at arcig.cz> wrote:
>> The directive does not yet live in any public repo, but we can/should
>> correct that fairly easily.  I can add it to the mpl sphinxext for the
>> time being, or would you rather it live in ipython bzr Fernando?  Like
>> pylab, it is currently a hybrid monster between ipython and pyplot.
>> It does need some cleaning -- primarily we should factor out the pure
>> ipython directive from the part that is mpl/pyplot aware, or at least
>> set it up so it can run w/o mpl for folks who just want to the ipython
>> part.   The current version is also just for the 0.10 line and not
>> ipython HEAD, so we need to figure out what branch it should be on,
>> and eventually port it to the HEAD (or whatever it is you bzr types
>> call the current development branch)
> We call it trunk, also ;-) I don't mind which repo it is in, I have no
> write access to either.
>> If you could
>> incorporate your changes into the latest and then post a patch, that
>> would be most helpful.
> For now, I just added rc_override as module variable, which can
> be overridden (as in the file I referenced in my last post); it
> is diff'ed against the version you just posted.


I've added this to a new branch I just made:


We'll need to release 0.10.1 at some point, at the very least with the
argparse updates that make it fully BSD compatible as well as any
other small fixes we may have around, because of the api changes for
0.11.  This will serve as development for any such small fixes until
we're ready to release 0.10.1



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