[IPython-dev] Getting rid of "print" in ipython

Hans Meine hans_meine at gmx.net
Wed Jul 9 13:00:51 EDT 2008

On Mittwoch 09 Juli 2008, Edward K. Ream wrote:
> On Wed, Jul 9, 2008 at 9:59 AM, Hans Meine <hans_meine at gmx.net> wrote:
> > What are those arguments?
> http://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-3105/
> def print(*args, sep=' ', end='\n', file=None)

OK, so this is not really surprising, but I don't see which of the arguments 
could be needed in IPython.  Actually, I like string interpolation even more 
than passing separate args, and one could even discuss the \n (e.g. whether 
to append it automatically or be explicit about it), but file is certainly 
not needed (it's up to the frontend IMO).

So I would really propose to just use a minimum wrapper around 
sys.stdout/err.write, which is exactly what iplib already offers. :-)

Ciao, /  /                                                    .o.
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    /  / ANS                                                  ooo
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