[IPython-dev] Visual programming with ipython1/Vision and Django news...

Fernando Perez fperez.net at gmail.com
Thu Jan 10 01:44:39 EST 2008


just a blip of news from the front page, two recent IPython-related items:

== IPython1 and the Scripps Institute's Vision ==

[http://www.osc.edu/~unpingco Jose Unpingco] made this really neat
[http://www.osc.edu/~unpingco/Tutorial_11Dec.html screencast] showing
how to couple IPython1 with the [http://mgltools.scripps.edu Vision]
environment.  Vision is an extremely impressive visual programming
environment developed by [http://www.scripps.edu/~sanner Michel
Sanner's] team at the Scripps Institute in La Jolla, CA.

== IPython and Django ==

A [http://blog.petersheats.com/2008/01/09/autoloading-your-django-models/
blog entry] by Peter Sheats describing how to use IPython as the
interactive shell for Django.



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