[IPython-dev] Launchpad?

Brian Granger ellisonbg.net at gmail.com
Sat Feb 9 18:42:03 EST 2008

> Let me tell you why git is totally out of question. It works terribly
> poorly under windows. Up to recently it did not work at all under
> windows. Now it requires cygwin, and is terribly poorly integrated with
> the system.

An important point is that Windows is a major platform for ipython
development and users.  So this is truly a show stopper for

> About Canonical reinventing the wheel with bzr. Well there might be more
> than one solution to one problem. Git, hg and bzr have all had their pros
> and their cons. The DVCS is a young field, and different players have
> tried different solutions. Currently the difference between hg and bzr is
> leveling off, as bzr is focusing on performance, and hg is focusing on
> merge. Anyhow, I don't want to go in another endless hg vs bzr discussion
> (I don't mention git for the reasons given above). Bzr works very well
> under windows, as one of its main developpers runs windows. I have
> seen hg successfully used under windows. I have used both, and I know
> both get the work done.

This is very helpful feedback.  I have only used hg and only a little
at that.  My impression is that hg+bzr are quickly converging in terms
of performance and features.  But it is useful to hear you have had
success with both of them.

> I favor doing whatever gets the work done the easiest. It happens that
> launchpad is a very convenient (though not perfect) web platform. I use
> it for other projects, and I have been pleased not only by the current
> features, but also by the features they keep adding. These guys listen to
> their users. Moreover, I want to stress that a choice taken now can be
> revoked later. What matters is getting the work done!

For me, I think launchpad is the most attractive from the getting work
done perspective.  Given the small size of our dev team, we really
need somethiing that we don't have to think about and that "Just

> My 2 cents,
> Gaël
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