[IPython-dev] Docs - authorship?

Fernando Perez fperez.net at gmail.com
Thu Aug 14 23:23:47 EDT 2008


I'd like to actually list who's written the documentation/manuals
explicitly, since that is a more book-like type of document (see the
mpl docs for example at
http://matplotlib.sourceforge.net/doc/html/index.html, click on the
PDF link).  I wrote over 90 pages of documentation originally for
that, and Brian has also written a ton of rst docs.  But because I
haven't kept track of the doc details since the latest reorganization,
I'd like to know who else I should list.

Please consider that I'm happy to follow purely an honor system here:
if you feel your contributions to that document (the PDF clocks in at
128 pages right now) make you a co-author, simply tell me and I'll add
your name to the list.  I will list 'authors: foo, bar, ...; with
contributions from: a,b,c,...' to credit both people who wrote major
portions and those who have contributed smaller but valuable parts.

Please just tell me and I'll be happy to add your names, listed
alphabetically by last name.  I think currently I have:

- authors: Brian and me.
- contributors: Ville (docstrings, wiki pages I imagine will be soon
ported since the problem used to be that we had lyx sources).

Don't know: Min, Stefan, Gael, Barry, etc.  Have you guys written
parts of the manual?

Does this sound OK to all?



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