[IPython-dev] standalone ipython exe (py2exe)

Fernando Perez fperez.net at gmail.com
Thu May 24 02:28:49 EDT 2007

On 5/23/07, Ville M. Vainio <vivainio at gmail.com> wrote:
> I started up a little experimental setup script, "exesetup.py". With
> py2exe, it can be used ts create standalone ipython executables that
> don't require python, pyreadline or anything else installed. It kinda
> sorta seems to work, but please try it out.
> I created this because I myself need ipython I can put on an mmc card
> (for shell use - it pains me to use cmd.exe these days).

Great!  Once it's a bit more tested,  you should make a page on the
wiki for it and announce it in the News page.  I could see this being
quite useful for many people.

In addition, wrapping numpy and matplotlib along with it would make
for a fantastic matlab-like-lite-in-a-box that could come in very
handy in many situations.



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