[IPython-dev] Unicode bug in %whos, with patch

Paul Mueller gakusei at dakotacom.net
Thu May 3 16:22:43 EDT 2007


If you have a unicode variable with a character whose ordinal is >= 128, you
get a UnicodeEncodeError on using %whos (this is using r2304):

In [1]:u = u'\x80'

In [2]:%whos
Variable   Type       Data/Info
u          unicode   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
<type 'exceptions.UnicodeEncodeError'>    Traceback (most recent call last)

/home/yuurei/src/mods/ipython/<ipython console> in <module>()

/home/yuurei/src/mods/ipython/IPython/iplib.py in ipmagic(self, arg_s)
    962         else:
    963             magic_args = self.var_expand(magic_args,1)
--> 964             return fn(magic_args)
    966     def ipalias(self,arg_s):

/home/yuurei/src/mods/ipython/IPython/Magic.py in magic_whos(self, parameter_s)
   1057                         print '(%s Mb)' % (vbytes/Mb,)
   1058             else:
-> 1059                 vstr = str(var).replace('\n','\\n')
   1060                 if len(vstr) < 50:
   1061                     print vstr

<type 'exceptions.UnicodeEncodeError'>: 'ascii' codec can't encode character u'\x80' in position 0: ordinal not in range(128)

I've attached a patch that fixes this.

Paul Mueller
-------------- next part --------------
Index: IPython/Magic.py
--- IPython/Magic.py	(revision 2304)
+++ IPython/Magic.py	(working copy)
@@ -1056,7 +1056,12 @@
                         print '(%s Mb)' % (vbytes/Mb,)
-                vstr = str(var).replace('\n','\\n')
+                try:
+                    vstr = str(var)
+                except UnicodeEncodeError:
+                    vstr = unicode(var).encode(sys.getdefaultencoding(),
+                                               'backslashreplace')
+                vstr = vstr.replace('\n','\\n')
                 if len(vstr) < 50:
                     print vstr

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