[IPython-dev] Suggestions for implementing parallel algorithms?

Albert Strasheim fullung at gmail.com
Thu Nov 16 16:22:41 EST 2006

Hello all

On Thu, 16 Nov 2006, Fernando Perez wrote:
> On 11/13/06, Albert Strasheim <fullung at gmail.com> wrote:
> >On Thu, 09 Nov 2006, Brian Granger wrote:
> >> This sounds like a nice application of IPython1.  Fernando and I have
> >> had a number of talks about this exact issue lately.  One things I
> >> should say before all else.  In spite of there being years of research
> >> in parallel computing and algorithms, there is basically no research
> >> on *interactive* parallel computing.  I am not sure you need your
> >> application to be interactive, but if you do, at some level, you are
> >> in new territory.
> >
> >My application probably doesn't fall into the interactive category at
> >present. But some speaker verification and identification systems could
> >definately be used interactively.
> Sorry for the silence... I'm currently working specifically on all of
> this, for a large production code in molecular electronic structure
> problems.  My private copy of ipython1 has some fixes and enhancements
> to make this easier, and I'm writing a little toy example which I'll
> commit shortly, and which I'm using to find out for myself what the
> 'best practices' should be.  We're all learning here, so I don't claim
> these solutions will be better than anything else, but at least
> they'll come from a production problem, and lots and lots of talks on
> the phone and face to face with Brian.
> Feel free to ping me of off-SVN copies of any of this if you want them 
> early.

I would love to look at any code you'd be willing to offer. I too am 
trying to figure out the best practices. Thanks in advance!

> I'm starting to think of using HG for off-SVN development, so we can
> all share dev trees more fluidly while SVN is used only for commits
> ready for public consumption...
> Would you like that?

Sounds like a great plan.



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