[IPython-dev] wildcard-patch

Jörgen Stenarson jorgen.stenarson at bostream.nu
Tue Sep 20 17:00:55 EDT 2005


here are the latest developments for the wildcard patch. I have 
continued work on the last patch. I now require the shell environment to 
be passed down to psearch() in the inspector class perhaps not the best 
solution but it works.


I have added two options that are chosen with !a or !i
!a Show objects with a single leading underscore, default is to hide 
these objects.
!i Ignore case in searches

The namespaces that can be searched are user, builtin, internal, alias. 
The default list contains user and builtin. Using a minus sign infront 
of these names removes the namespace from the search, using a plus adds 
it to the list.

OBJECT TYPE are from the list in the module types. E.g float<=>FloatType
?* float would match all objects of type float

I'm sure we could have a better syntax so suggestions are welcome. I 
would for instance like to be able to match multiple object types.

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