[IPython-dev] Urgent attention partnership

William taylor taylorwilliam at idncafe.net
Thu Aug 28 04:58:02 EDT 2003

Dear Sir,

My proposal to you will be very surprising, as we have not had any
Personal contact before. However, I sincerely seek your confidence in
this transaction, which I propose to you as a person of transparency,
honesty and high caliber.

Let me first start by introducing myself properly to you. My name is
William Taylor, a relative to President Charles Taylor, the President
of Republic of Liberia. I got your email address from network 
directory. I apologize if I have infringed on your privacy.

It may interest you to know that my uncle (former President Charles
Taylor) has been fighting serious civil war with the Liberia United for
the Restoration of Democracy (LURDS) for quite some years now. The 
LURDS has been backed (all along) by some foreign powerful countries.

Not quite long ago, the American government ordered Charles Taylor to
leave Liberia or be forced out of power. Knowing fully well the
capabilities of America and other powerful members of the United 
Nations, my uncle (President Charles Taylor) decided on the 11th of 
this month (August 2003) to go into exile in a neighboring country. A new government
headed by Vice President Mr. Moses Blah has been sworn in.

Based on these developments, the various foreign bank accounts of my
uncle are already being investigated. News just came in that one of the
fattest accounts he has in Switzerland has been frozen. In the light of
all these sad happenings, my uncle, through the help of his loyalists 
has secretly moved a sum of US$22 million (Twenty two million)
to a private security vault and right now, my uncle wants the services 
of a highly reliable foreigner that will receive thefunds into his/her 
bank account for the future survival of his family because he cannot presently operate 
any foreign bank account on his name.

These funds arose from various compensation he received from
the sales of rubber, timber and diamonds which are abound in great
quantity around the coastal areas of the country.

He has directed that whoever that comes to his assistance shall be
compensated with 15% commission of the funds, 5% of this money shall be
set aside to take care of any local or foreign expenses that might be
incurred along the line. My uncle and his family will make do with the
remaining 80% of the funds. It might also interest you to note that all
security arrangements regarding this transaction has been put in place,
therefore,you have nothing whatsoever to fear or worry about.

Most part of this share (80%) going to my uncle and family will also be
invested in your country courtesy of your full advice and assistance.

As you indicate interest to work with me,I will be expecting to receive
your kind and urgent response through this more confidential email
address ( williamtaylor03 at mail2world.com ) or call me on this telephone 
to enable me discuss with you regarding my request +31630817302

God bless you as you respond promptly.

Best regards.

Mr. William Taylor

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