[Inpycon] PyCon India 2021 Weekly Update - Week 3

praveen patil praveenkumar103 at gmail.com
Sat Mar 13 19:48:05 EST 2021

Hello Everyone

> Every Workgroup lead is expected to post their updates for this week
> to this thread before Friday End of Day IST. We request the community
> to provide us with their inputs.

Following is the update for the Sessions WG.

- Had a meeting with other workgroup leads and Sessions WG leads of last
year to get guidance and direction.
- This year we have added a domain/section in CFP, 'Python in Education'
focusing on power of python in enabling experiential learning.
- Reaching out to the community of teachers and scientists, who are
working  in this domain and promoting Python as the first programming
language for science students, for getting talk proposals.

Recurring tasks
- Brainstorm new ideas and reachout diverse community of pythonistas

- None

Praveen | @_gnovi <https://twitter.com/_gnovi>

> PS: Please remember to send plain text emails, use inclusive language
> in your updates/comments, and not top-post in this thread. Please read
> this article [1] to have a primer.
> Having said that, let me start with the Technology Workgroup Updates.
> Updates:
> - Exploring GitHub org automation tooling
> Recurring Tasks
> - Blog updates
> - Website updates
> Blockers:
> - None
> [1]:
> http://www.shakthimaan.com/downloads/glv/presentations/mailing-list-etiquette.pdf
> --
> Best,
> Nabarun Pal
> https://naba.run | pronoun.is/he
> _______________________________________________
> https://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/inpycon
> Mailing list guidelines :
> http://www.shakthimaan.com/downloads/glv/presentations/mailing-list-etiquette.pdf
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