[Inpycon] Keynote Speaker Suggestions for PyCon India 2021

LAISHA WADHWA laisha.wadh at gmail.com
Tue Mar 9 02:33:42 EST 2021

Hi Everyone,

Yesterday we announced that suggestions for keynote speakers for PyCon
India 2021 is open.

We are moving to GitHub discussions to get all suggestions from the

Please share your keynote speaker suggestions in the GitHub discussion

Laisha Wadhwa

On Mon, Mar 8, 2021, 5:00 PM LAISHA WADHWA <laisha.wadh at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello everyone,
> Hope you all are safe and well!
> PyCon India 2021 was recently announced [1], and the prep for the
> conference is in full swing. We have recently opened the CFP for talks and
> workshops [2].
> The team is on track to kickoff the process of selecting the Keynote
> Speakers for PyCon India 2021. For people new to the conference, keynotes
> at PyCon India, are inspiring talks from speakers, who are distinguished
> people from the community, and leave a lasting impact on the conference
> attendees. The keynote speakers also help to tip the scales for people
> having second thoughts about attending the conference. This increases
> participation and enriches the overall experience of the conference.
> Please send in your keynote speaker suggestions to the mailing list. Do
> remember, send in one keynote speaker suggestion per mail, containing a
> brief description about the speaker or include a link to the bio of the
> speaker. If you like a speaker suggestion, please vote by writing a line
> about your vote for e.g. "I would also love to hear X as a keynote speaker
> [because of these Y reasons]". Refrain from doing +1 style voting to
> indicate a preference for a particular keynote speaker.
> The selected keynote will be a mix of Indian and International speakers,
> so feel free to suggest from both.
> We will start reaching out to keynote speakers in the order of preference
> within the next few weeks.
> In case you want to chime in for the PyCon India 2021 discussions, you
> can join the #2021/discussion stream in PyCon India Zulip[3] channel.
> [1]: https://in.pycon.org/blog/2021/pycon-india-announcement.html
> [2]: https://in.pycon.org/blog/2021/cfp-announcement.html
> [3]:
> https://pyconindia.zulipchat.com/#narrow/stream/275447-2021.2Fdiscussion
> Regards,
> Laisha Wadhwa
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