[Inpycon] Pycon Conference :

Chandan Kumar raukadah at gmail.com
Sun Jul 18 00:38:19 EDT 2021

Hello Premila,

On Sun, 18 Jul 2021 at 05:41, Premila Esther <premila at rpsconsulting.in> wrote:
> Hello Team,
> Greetings from RPS.

Thank you for reaching out to us.

> We have a bunch of people nominated for Pycon conference.,
> We need certain clarity, unable to find the chat window to communicate our request.
> Please let us know for registration participant name is must or not, since if there is any change or swapping of participant  we can update it accordingly.
> Once registered, due to the current situation if any participant wanted to cancel will that be possible.

You can buy the tickets from here [1] by filling the required attendees details.

Once registered, one cannot cancel the ticket but can transfer the
tickets to another person.
Here is the FAQ page [2] under Ticketing FAQ section, it mentions
about the steps of transferring tickets.

You can always reach out to us by dropping an email to tickets at in.pycon.org.
We are happy to answer any queries.

[1]. https://in.pycon.org/#tickets
[2]. https://in.pycon.org/2021/faq/


Chandan Kumar

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