[Inpycon] [THREAD] PyCon India Weekly Update - Week 5

Shashank Kumar shashankkumarkushwaha at gmail.com
Fri Apr 2 02:01:11 EDT 2021

Hi everyone,

Here are updates from the Volunteer Operations side of things (it was
called Onboarding earlier since that's what we're focusing on).

- Volunteer form[0] is still open, if you know someone who can volunteer
please ask them to fill it
- New volunteers onboarded to Volunteer Foyer stream on Zulip
- After a discussion with Sayan, a decision has been made to allow 1
volunteer in 1 workgroup only at a time. This will be done by managing an
updated list of volunteers in each wg at all times.
- If you are a lead of any wg and you haven't given Sayan or me the list of
active volunteers/shadows working with you, please share it with us on Zulip
- 2 new volunteers added to Promotion WG to help out with outreach over
mailing lists and announcement on other platforms

- We need the list of active volunteers/shadows from each workgroup to
better manage volunteers

[0] https://forms.gle/Tpd731UhqiVoGbbcA

Shashank | realslimshanky
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