[Inpycon] PyCon India 2020 CFP Workgroup Meet MoM - March 9th

Kumar Anirudha anirudhastark at gmail.com
Mon Mar 9 19:34:36 EDT 2020

On Mon, 9 Mar 2020 at 18:58, Sanchit Balchandani <
balchandani.sanchit at gmail.com> wrote:

> On Mon, 9 Mar 2020, 18:40 Kumar Anirudha, <anirudhastark at gmail.com> wrote:
>> On Mon, 9 Mar 2020 at 15:41, Siddharth Prajosh <sprajosh at gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>> On Mon, Mar 9, 2020 at 1:38 PM Sanchit Balchandani <
>>> balchandani.sanchit at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> On Mon, Mar 9, 2020 at 3:38 AM Kumar Anirudha <anirudhastark at gmail.com>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Hello everyone,
>>>>> We had our initial discussion on talks sessions this year with regards
>>>>> to PyCon India 2020[1].
>>>>> Here's a brief around the discussed topics (MOM) from today's call.
>>>>>    - CFP starts *March 12th 2020*.
>>>>>    - There will *3 parallel talk tracks*.
>>>>>    - Talk duration is *30 mins* (25 mins for the talk, 5 mins - Q&A).
>>>>> Thanks Anirudha for sharing the MoM. Just a quick suggestion, can we
>>>> re-consider talk duration and make it 40 mins (incl 5 mins QnA)? 25 mins +
>>>> 5 mins QnA are generally less for speakers as they have to rush through to
>>>> their content, especially in case of demos included. I experienced the
>>>> dame during PyCon India 2019. In fact, some of the international Python
>>>> Conferences keep the duration of the talks to be around 40-45 mins.
>> 30 (25+5) minutes is actually fairly standard for talks.
>> But if that doesn't work for you, we've open-spaces which can be utilised
>> in-case your content is too big to accommodate in 30 mins.
> I think It's not about working for me or not, I made that suggestion in
> general for both attendees and speakers. I checked PyCon Us and Euro PyCon
> schedule, both of these premier conferences have 40+ mins of talks.
> Anyways, if that is already decided then hopefully some other year.

It's not all decided yet. But we would like to take final decisions by 12th
and get started with CFP process. Hence this mailing thread.
Let's say we do this, this would definitely be beneficial for a few
speakers getting more time for their talk. But this would also mean less
number of speakers will get the opportunity to present at all.
This could have worked if we were to do a 3 day conference or had more
parallel tracks. If I'm not wrong, PyCon US is a 3 day conference (talk
sessions) with 6 parallel tracks.

>>> Regards,
>>>> Sanchit
>>>>>    - CFP closes on *1st July 2020.*
>>> Since we're planning to some rehearsals to improve the quality of the
>>> talks, do you think it'll be better if we close it sooner and spend more
>>> time on rehearsing? As of now it's 4 months for CFP and 3 months for
>>> rehearsing. I'd say 3 months for CFP and 4 months for rehearsing will give
>>> us more time to improve the talks.
>> Great suggestion. We actually had this discussion. And 3 months of
>> rehearsals seems adequate. This is just to help provide a finishing touch.
>> Couple of more eyes might figure out what's missing. Also, each rehearsal
>> team will have very limited number of speakers to take care of. So,
>> ideally, the process shouldn't take more than a month.
>> Open to more suggestions.
>>>>>    - Schedule shall be released on *15th August 2020.*
>>>>>    - Talks will be presented on *October 2nd and 3rd 2020.*
>>>>>    - There will be rehearsals for the talks selected post schedule
>>>>>    release.
>>>>>    - There will be *4 keynote speakers*, each day starting and ending
>>>>>    with a keynote talk.
>>>>>    - Keynotes are 1 hour duration each.
>>>>>    - There will 2 small breaks (morning and evening) of 20-30 minutes
>>>>>    each and 1 lunch break for 1 hour.
>>>>>    - Workshop CFP dates follow same as talks CFP and will also start
>>>>>    on March 12th.
>>>>>    - Workshop will carried on *October 4th 2020* in 2 slots, morning
>>>>>    and afternoon.
>>>>>    - Open Space sessions and lightening talks will be on as required
>>>>>    basis and will be decided closer or during the event.
>>>>> If you've any thoughts or suggestions around the discussion above,
>>>>> feel free to share your views.
>>>>> If you wish to join the next workgroup discussion follow the
>>>>> discussion on Zulip[2] #2020/discussion stream or on IRC #pyconindia.
>>>>> [1]: https://in.pycon.org/2020/
>>>>> [2]: pyconindia.zulip <http://pyconindia.zulipchat.com>chat.com
>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>> Kumar Anirudha
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>>>> https://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/inpycon
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>>> Regards,
>>> Siddharth Prajosh
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>>> https://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/inpycon
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>>> http://www.shakthimaan.com/downloads/glv/presentations/mailing-list-etiquette.pdf
>> Cheers,
>> Kumar Anirudha
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Kumar Anirudha
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