[Inpycon] Do you need Child Care in PyCon India 2019?

Sayan Chowdhury gmail at yudocaa.in
Mon May 27 14:52:21 EDT 2019

On Mon, May 27, 2019 at 11:18 PM Sharmila Gopirajan
<sharmila.gopirajan at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi everyone,
>                 This would help us understand the needs of the conference goers and help PyCon India evolve this year and the following years. Your response is crucial.
> Do you wish to avail childcare facility during PyCon India conference?
> If not, what we can do to help parents with kids under 5 to attend the conference?

We need to reach out a wider audience through the social media than
the mailing list as majority of the audience won't be there on this
list. I am always +1 for a childcare but without a number it is not
much help to the organizers.

Another idea (on top of social media) could be cross-post this email
to other mailing list too.

Sayan Chowdhury <https://words.yudocaa.in/>
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