[Inpycon] Inviting nominations for CFP reviewers

Abhishek Yadav zerothabhishek at gmail.com
Sat Jun 15 01:02:53 EDT 2019

Hello friends,

We need help with setting up a review panel for CFP evaluation. We have
reached out to a few experts already, and it will great if you too can
pitch in with suggestions.

CFP reviewers shall be doing a technical review of the submitted talks, and
will also be voting on them. The final list will be based on the aggregate
of these votes.

Any person with experience in one of the areas of Python usage (Machine
Learning, Core-Python, Embedded Systems, Web development etc) will be a
good reviewer. Involvement with the Indian Python community will also be
good. We have listed out our expectations in more detail here -

You can use the following form to nominate a reviewer:

Please limit nominations people who you know personally, who you can vouch
for. You can nominate yourself too.

Let us know if you have any questions or suggestions.
CFP Workgroup, PyCon India 2019
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