[Inpycon] PyCon India 2019 Proposal v2

Vijay Kumar vijaykumar at bravegnu.org
Mon Feb 25 12:40:29 EST 2019

On Monday 25 February 2019 10:54 PM, Sharmila Gopirajan wrote:

> I didn't realise the venue was split until you spelt it out.
> The first thought is :
> Organisers, event management, attendee management, catering : all of 
> these should be managed in both the venues. Would that be feasible? 
> Maybe I don't understand the proposal properly?

Hi Sharmila,

The venues are utilized on separate event days. So organizing bandwidth 
for event and attendee management, is not a problem, because it will be 
done sequentially rather than in parallel.

AFAIK, the devsprints at PyCon India are usually done in a different 
venue. The only change we are making over here is that the workshops 
happen in the same venue as the devsprints.



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