[Inpycon] PyCon India 2019 Proposal v1

Vijay Kumar vijaykumar at bravegnu.org
Thu Feb 21 08:12:45 EST 2019

On Saturday 09 February 2019 06:59 AM, Anand Chitipothu wrote:

> On Sat, Feb 9, 2019 at 12:20 AM Vijay Kumar <vijaykumar at bravegnu.org 
> <mailto:vijaykumar at bravegnu.org>> wrote:
>     Hi Everyone,
>     Thanks for all the support! Based on the responses received so
>     far, we
>     are taking the conference forward, with Chennai as the venue. A first
>     cut proposal containing the details of the venue, overall
>     schedule, and
>     the workgroups is provided below. A more detailed proposal with venue
>     costs, and the ticket costs worked out will be provided by Tuesday.
>     Please send in your feedback and suggestions.
> Wonderful. Please find my comments inline below.
>     = PyCon India 2019 Proposal
>     [...]
>     === Day 1: Workshops
>     Day 1 will consist of 8 workshop slots, 3 hours each, with 4 parallel
>     tracks in the following halls.
>          * Hall A
>          * Hall B
>          * Side Lobby
>          * Meeting Room A
> Why do you need a room with 1000-people capacity for a workshop of 
> 30-40 participants? Can't we do something better.
Hi Anand,
Please check out the second version of the proposal, where we have moved 
the workshops to a different venue. Do let us know your thoughts on this.


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