[Inpycon] RFC: Workshop Format (Vijay Kumar)

Sharmila Gopirajan sharmila.gopirajan at gmail.com
Tue Feb 12 01:55:38 EST 2019

> Message: 1
> Date: Tue, 12 Feb 2019 10:00:19 +0530
> From: Vijay Kumar <vijaykumar at bravegnu.org>
> To: inpycon at python.org
> Subject: Re: [Inpycon] RFC: Workshop Format
> Message-ID: <d35b0b0e-7faf-b1c7-ebf6-c9184a341cb7 at bravegnu.org>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=windows-1252; format=flowed
> On Sunday 10 February 2019 06:33 AM, Vijay Kumar wrote:
> > Hi Everyone,
> > I would like to solicit feedback on an alternative workshop format for
> > PyCon India 2019.
> Hi Everyone, Please do let me know, your thoughts on this.
> Regards,
> Vijay
+1 for the new proposed format.

Advantages as I see it beyond what Vijay has specified.

1. Avoid nasty surprises at the last moment when the speaker proposes one
topic and actually devolves into another. I had such an experience in one
conference where a speaker had proposed to do an advanced workshop on
python async and instead spent the complete time detailing python basics.
(He was a consultant). Not only did I not gain much in the talk, I also
missed some other excellent talks going on during the same slot.  (It
should be noted that the talk he did give was quite eloquent and useful for

2. By the way of format proposed (providing Jupyter notebooks and other
resources in advance),  we can mitigate to some extent the problem of the
speaker not putting in enough thought. The organizers can provide feedback
on the resources as they do for talks.  This format might be new for the
speakers too.  So maybe providing them with some pointers on what questions
to anticipate could also help? (Like top newbie questions or most discussed
questions for the topic on StackOverflow )

That said, As Ibrahim said, this would be a format that would work best for
advanced topics. Newbies may be better of with a more traditional format
for workshops.

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