[Inpycon] Chennai for PyCon India 2019

Kushal Das kushaldas at gmail.com
Sun Feb 3 01:18:22 EST 2019

On Sun, Feb 3, 2019 at 8:03 AM Vijay Kumar <vijaykumar at bravegnu.org> wrote:
> Hi Everyone,
> This is Vijay Kumar from Chennaipy. We, the Chennaipy / PySangamam
> 2018 team, would like to propose Chennai as the host city for PyCon
> India 2019.
Thank you all for stepping up on this.

> ## Event Size and Format
> We will be able to manage a 3 day conference of 1000 attendees (1200
> max).
>    * Day 1: Workshops and Devsprints
>    * Day 2 & 3: Talks
Is there any particular reason to go back to the old format of the event?
Whereas last year we saw how having separate dedicated 2 days of dev sprints
helped to get more people into upstream contribution. If we want to increase
actual contribution to the projects, there is no better solution than having
proper dev sprints.

Staff, Freedom of the Press Foundation
CPython Core Developer
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