[Inpycon] Website/Design Workgroup Minutes of Meeting - 20180521

Ananyo Maiti ananyoevo at gmail.com
Sun May 27 16:02:57 EDT 2018

Hi all,
Apologies for delay in sending out the MoM. We had our 3rd Website/Design
Team Meeting on Monday, 21st May, '18

*Attendees *: Ananyo, Vipul, Shashank, Rajat, Sanchit, Bharat, Chirag, 2
new volunteers

*Things discussed :*
1. Open tasks in Website and blog
2. Update on Design tasks from Rajat
3. Social media poster requirements from Sanchit
4. Ways to engage more volunteer activity
5. A brief discussion on Discord and how to enagage people there
6. Decision on sending weekly email digest for volunteers
7. PyDelhi Devsprints to kickstart development of PyCon India mobile app
8. "Convince my Boss" Letter  by Vipul Gupta

*Action items:*
1. Take up open issues in website
2. Create posters for ticket sales promotion and keynote speakers
3. Send the first email digest for volunteers - Sanchit
4. Create a usage guidelines for discord mentioning the features - Ananyo
5. "Convince My Boss" - Vipul

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