[Inpycon] Call For Promotions

Gurram Poorna poornagurram at gmail.com
Thu Jun 21 11:04:09 EDT 2018

Hello Guys,

It's time to show your love for the python community. When it comes to
python it's all about community and that's you. We need you to promote
our "*Pycon
India 2018 10th anniversary*" at your workplace, colleges, Opensource
groups, meetups, any place you feel is relevant. Here, I'm attaching two
cool posters made by our volunteers which can be helpful for you to promote
by sticking on notice boards in colleges and companies and also to share
across your WhatsApp, Facebook, mailing lists and any relevant place over
the internet.

The community also needs inspiration so let you be the one to inspire by
posting a photo of you promoting our event in twitter with
hashtag #LoverForPython #PyconIndia2018.

*It's a journey of 10 amazing years for Pycon India. Let's make the
celebrations huge.*

Social Media Team,
Pycon India 2018.
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