[Inpycon] Is PyCon India "really open"?

Abhaya Agarwal abhaya.agarwal at gmail.com
Wed Jan 17 12:14:46 EST 2018

Hi Vanitha,

>>> You think I cannot write a mail on my own or do not have rights to
>>> clarify things here?
>> Yes and Yes.
> I would like an explanation for this. I request you to be mindful of what
> you speak here. On what basis did you pass this comment? If I do not have
> rights to clarify things here, I would like to know the criteria on which
> the rights are defined and also would like you to point me to the official
> page where it is documented.
> Someone is being offensive here to an individual in the same thread where
> the community is talking about an offensive act. What is the community
> doing about this person? I wonder why nobody raised any concern neither did
> anyone point out Anuvrat on his behaviour. I would like an explanation from
> the community as well.

When I read that statement, I was also surprised. But there is a chance
that brevity is causing misunderstanding here. Since this statement was
followed by an apology for making assumption, on second reading I took it
to mean that he is affirming your right to do both those things.

My two cents. Of course, Anuvrat is here and can speak for himself.


blog: http://abhaga.blogspot.com
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