[Inpycon] Copyright violation of PyCon India website by blockchain 2017 conference organizer

vijay kumar vnbang2003 at gmail.com
Wed Nov 29 07:28:25 EST 2017

On Wed, Nov 29, 2017 at 3:24 PM, Kracekumar Ramaraj <me at kracekumar.com>

> On Wed, Nov 29, 2017 at 1:38 PM, Noufal Ibrahim <noufal at nibrahim.net.in>
> wrote:
>> I'm personally for being liberal with this. We haven't put up a license
>> on the github  repository for the assets or the website so my understanding
>> is that by default, reuse is not permitted.
>> I think the correct way to move forward is to put up a liberal license on
>> the pssi repositories so that others can use the design and to tell the
>> blockchain people that while their initial copy over was a violation of the
>> copyright, we've changed the terms so that it's no longer a problem.
>> That would solve it. Correct?
> +1 for liberal license.
> It's good sign to see new communities looking upto Python community.
>> On 2017-11-29 13:25, vijay kumar wrote:
>>> Hi All,
>>> I just noticed that blockchain 2017 conference team have copied PyCon
>>> India 2016 code, logo and design without consulting and confirming
>>> with PyCon India community or PSSI. Just the color, content and logo
>>> is changed.
>>> Referecne: http://blockchaincon.io
>>> PyCon India 2016 website :https://in.pycon.org/2016/
>>> The copyrights of this website design lies with PyCon India and PSSI
>>> which is clearly mentioned in our website. Also we have paid for a
>>> vendor to get this designed.
>>> Is it right for them to do so? How should we handle this now and also
>>> stop this from happening going forward?
> I'd like to see welcoming approach and not to derail any volunteers effort
> with three week left for the conference.

We welcome people using our assets but with proper communication in prior.
Nobody is intending to derail any event or any volunteers effort.

The concern is somebody using PyCon India's assets and claiming copyrights
on their website. The content on the website is theirs but not the website
design, sponsorship prospectus, etc..

The website design, code, sponsorship prospectus are all assets of
PSSI/PyCon India and nobody can claim ownership of that. I would have
appreciated if they have handled this ethically.

As suggested by everyone, lets add license with the clause of usage for our
assets to avoid this in future.

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