[Inpycon] Announcing PyCon Pune 2017 & Call for Volunteers

Shakthi Kannan shakthimaan at gmail.com
Wed Nov 16 23:56:03 EST 2016


--- On Tue, Nov 15, 2016 at 11:41 PM, rahul bajaj <rahulrb0509 at gmail.com> wrote:
| As discussed earlier, since Thin Rhino is not willing to handle the Twitter
| account and IRC account for Python Pune i had requested him to forward me
| the credentials.

Sad to hear that. I have stopped counting the number of times he has
gone back on his own words.

There is a suggested approach for "nonresponsive Package Maintainers"
in Fedora, for example:


I am sure other community projects have their own standard operating
procedures. You can try sending a gentle reminder after seven days to
this list, requesting for the same.

But, even if you don't get full access, I see this as an opportunity
to actually use the @pyconpune account with tags.

Many conferences use a single account, and it remains inactive after
the event. But, if you see @pyconpune as a brand, you can continue to
use the same account with the respective event tags throughout the
year. The organizers' participation in other meet-ups and events in
the region, throughout the year, can lead to the larger PyCon

Just my two cents (or two thousand rupees :),


Shakthi Kannan

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