[Inpycon] Video Management in PyCon India 2015

vijay kumar vnbang2003 at gmail.com
Thu Feb 19 05:16:26 CET 2015

> Is there some kind of deadline we are looking at to finalize this?

>> Yes we have time to look for options now. Later we don't find any vendor
who can support us . If available they charges very very high.
    We need to decide on all vendor 6 months before so we can concentrate
on other activities.

> Definitely understandable. In this case wouldn't it make sense to
> create 2 subteams? 1 for only recording and 1 for only editing? Having
> one do the other will bring in tiredness but separating them out might
> help?
>    This is exact problem we are having . Last year we didn't find
volunteer to do post processing of video and even upload the video on
youtube from one person home is not realistic.

In short Video volunteering need to be atleast 15 members team(Ideally)
In worst case we need minimum 6 volunteer for video capturing and mixing
 and 3 expert volunteer in post processing and all.

  Can you give your 7 days for PyCon India as volunteer and lead this task
from front and implement ideas.
  Can you help create team?

Note: Video volunteer needs to give at least 7 days available.
2 days(workshop) , 1 day for setup and 1-2 days(post processing).
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