[Inpycon] Suggestion for panel members for PyCon India 2015

Anand B Pillai anandpillai at letterboxes.org
Mon Feb 2 10:54:55 CET 2015

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On Monday 02 February 2015 02:54 PM, Noufal Ibrahim KV wrote:
> On Mon, Feb 02 2015, vijay kumar wrote:
>>> Then let that person take care of finding qualified people to
>>> discuss talks and select them.
>> We have tried this and it has not worked till now.
> I think we tried something similar to this last year and I, for
> one, think that although the talks could have been better, the
> method of working was a step forward.
> My proposal is that we should repeat last years style of working
> but come up with more stringent criteria for selecting or rejecting
> talks.
>>> Agreed. This business of nominating people and then it being
>>> screened by some internal group is a step backwards.
>> They will be selected purely on their experience and expertise so
>> i don't see it to be step backwards.  Instead it give us
>> opportunity to get new members and better panel team.
> The problem is not the selection criteria. I'm sure the people who
> will do the filtering are qualified enough to select based on
> expertise and experience.
> The problem is the lack of transparency. This is the point I've
> been repeatedly making.

With respect, you've been making and perhaps a bit too much - often
repeating yourselves hoarse that it is beginning to look staid and

Pls understand  when it comes to tal selection, there are 2 extremes
of transparency modes available.

1. 100% - Go just with the community votes.
2. 0% - A secret panel which works without any inputs and doesn't
advertise its members.

I think we all agree neither is good. So any actual panel would be
doing something in between the two.

Again let me repeat - there is no concerted effort of secrecy in any
of these things. I request you to stop making this point to the point
of making it sound uncomfortable.

> As the conference grows, I think we should decentralise more.
> That's the only way it'll sustain.

I think Vijay is trying to do exactly that - isn't it ? He is giving a
nomination form for people to nominate themselves. It is a starting
point for de-centralisation.

De-centralisation all sounds good on paper and in theory, but in practice,

1. The talk selection chair is answerable to the conference chair.
Because the conference chair is running the whole show and talks is a
huge part of the show. De-centralisation shouldn't mean decoupling,
instead delegation with responsibility.

I don't think this was the case last year so I want to stress it.

2. The conference chair has a lot of experience running the
conference. So we need to give his opinions the due respect.

I often see in this forum Vijay posting something, and a lot of
criticism and opinions (which is good and required), but I often feel
it goes a bit overboard.

> In any case, I don't have the energy and time to drive this. If you
> and the others feel that it's better do things in a different way,
> more power to you. I'll pitch in when I can and if directly
> requested.

+1.  I think someone from the new crop of Pythonistas - who are
writing all this interesting code, calling for meetups and doing
things actually on the ground should do it. It is another kind of

> Thanks.
> [...]

- -- 

- --Anand

Software Architect/Consultant
anandpillai at letterboxes.org

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