[Inpycon] How about organizing Python Month in Engg. Colleges?

Sanket Saurav sanketsaurav at gmail.com
Tue Jun 25 19:02:47 CEST 2013

Hello everyone.

I am the co-founder of CampusHash(campushash.com). We provide workshops on
Python, Web development and web design in colleges and schools across the
I really love the idea of celebrating a Python month. We'd love to organize
free workshops in engineering colleges in Bihar, Jhakhand and West Bengal
in association with PyCon India. This way, we want to do our share in
popularizing Python among students in India.

What do you think?

I have registered for PyCon and am planning to propose a talk myself.
Hello everyone,

We have PyCon India happening at the end of August. Though some students
might be interested to attend the event, there'll be lot of students who
are not aware of or very new to Python. It would be nice we can organize
Python workshops in colleges around.

I'm proposing to celebrate August as Python Month and try to organize
workshops in as many colleges as possible. We can try to do half a day
workshops every saturday and/or sunday.

I and Krace conducted a Python workshop at an engg. college recently it was
organized by Free Software Movement Karnataka (FSMK). They seemed to have
very good presence in lot of colleges in Bangalore and around. They even
have local GNU/Linux User Groups (GLUG) in many colleges. I'm sure there'll
be something equivalent of FSMK in other places as well.

Any comments?


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