[Inpycon] Minutes of the Python Month meeting

konark modi modi.konark at gmail.com
Mon Jul 29 13:24:45 CEST 2013


We had a meetup for NCR region, similar points were discussed there too,
the others that were discussed were :
1. To motivate students, it is very necessary to discuss " Why python ? " .
We need to prepare content for this.
2. Introduce them to various community resources, and helping hand which
they can start using to adapt to Python after the workshop too. Like
open-source projects, mailing lists, etc.
3. As we are approaching August, time is too less for content so we need to
prepare it ASAP.

For the PythonMonth in NCR region, we are planning to have the first
workshop on 2ndAugst at IIC(South Campus). We need to be content ready
before that.

*For the IPython question* : IPython surely is one of the best ways to
deliver a workshop, and sharing that becomes easy.I have personally used
IPython both on Windows and Linux.

For windows I used : Anaconda installer from Continuum Analytics(
https://store.continuum.io/ ) . It comes with wide variety of packages(
http://docs.continuum.io/anaconda/pkgs.html) in the installer.


On Mon, Jul 29, 2013 at 2:18 PM, Anand Chitipothu <anandology at gmail.com>wrote:

> Hello everyone,
> We had a meeting in Bangalore on Saturday (July 27) to discuss about
> Python Month and there were about 15 people have attended it.
> Minutes:
> * There was a discussion that we should put our efforts to increase the
> impart of workshops than the number of workshops that we conduct. Couple of
> suggestions that came out were:
> - coding contest
> - why stop at this month, why not continue doing this in long term
> - engage students for longer term
> - instead of doing just intro to Python workshops, build practical systems
> as part of workshops. Couple of suggestions were:
>     - simple recommendation system like amazon
>     - GUI systems
>     - blog engine
>     - web scrapping
>     - games
>     - sudoku solver
> - engage non-cs students by teaching scipy and other tools.
> - While it is hard to find scipy and other tools for other non-cs
> students, it'll have to be done by each instructor. The suggestion was to
> have volunteers to suggest content that speakers can use.
>     - Srinivas, Ashish and Kamal (? did he?) expressed interest to
> volunteer for this
> * One suggestion to sign up more colleges is to ask people to go back to
> the college where they have studied and do a python workshop.
> * One important thing  that we should be careful about is that the
> colleges are not charging the students for this workshop. It'll be nice to
> mention that when we start taking to the college.
> * For each speaker to reuse, we need the following:
> - Intro to Python Slides. Elvis volunteered. Anand to provide bullet
> points.
> - links for further reading. Elvis volunteered
> - a blot post about how to configure x (put your favorite here) editor for
> Python. Ravi volunteered. List of editors:
>     - IDLE
>     - Notepad++
>     - Sublime text
>     - edit+
>     - pywin
>     - gvim (anand to provide config)
>     - emacs (will ask noufal for help)
> * Ashish and Prashanth volunteered to expore how good IPython is on
> windows and if we can suggest all speakers to use that.
> * Vijay suggested that it'll be useful to have a volunteer to support the
> speaker at each workshop.
> * For each workshop, we should make it clear that the following are
> prerequisites.
> - Install Python 2.7
> - Setup your editor (will share a link once it is ready)
> * Suggested things to cover in one-day workshop.
> - 5 Minute introduction to Python slides
> - Hello world (in interpreter and as script)
> - numbers, strings and assignments
> - conditional statements
> - functions & methods
> - Lists
> - For loop
> - List operations
> [Approximate break for lunch]
> - List comprehensions
> - String Operations
> - Working with Files
> - Modules
>     - time
>     - os, sys
>     - urllib
> - dictionaries
> - resources for further reading
> --
> Anand
> http://anandology.com/
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