[Inpycon] [PyCon 2013] Programming Challenges, Hackathons & Sprints, in Python at PyCon

me kracekumar me at kracekumar.com
Sun Jul 7 22:33:53 CEST 2013

Pycon india is volunteer driven,  we are happy to do it.

Main challenges

1. Logistics
2. Venue
3. Volunteer for co-ordinating sprints.

Currently we have booked venue for three days. In case if you like to take
up this task, please make more elaborate write up about format. Man power
is main problem we are unable to try anything new other than talks and
On Jul 8, 2013 1:41 AM, "pranjal mittal" <mittal.pranjal at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> It could be nice to organize *Code-Sprints or Hackathons* for developers
> by associating with IT Companies & Open Source Communities. (3-4 dats of
> hack with companies / orgs and their mentors during PyCon or after)
> There could be some sort of Call for Sprints to encourage Companies or
> FOSS communities to come and put forward mini-project ideas.
> The idea I suggest revolves around Sprints organized at PyCon US. [1]
> Secondly, there could be some nice algorithmic challenges during PyCon
> itself, that would be interesting for school and college students. Since
> its PyCon, the only allowed language could be Python. Such challenges could
> be created with Spoj [2] or Codechef [3], etc
> [1] https://us.pycon.org/2012/community/sprints/
> [2] http://www.spoj.com/
> [3] http://www.codechef.com/
> --
> Best Regards,
> Pranjal Mittal
> B.Tech.  2014
> Indian Institute of Technology,BHU
> Varanasi, U.P,
> India
> GITHUB: pramttl <http://github.com/pramttl>
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