[Inpycon] Introduction

Noufal Ibrahim noufal at nibrahim.net.in
Fri Jul 5 21:03:55 CEST 2013

Annapoornima Koppad <a.koppad at gmail.com> writes:

> Dear All,
> I am Annapoornima Koppad, organizer of the Pyladies Bangalore
> chapter. I wanted to volunteer and also showcase Pyladies Bangalore
> chapter at Pycon India 2013. Please let me know how can I assist Pycon
> India 2013?


I think Kiran is handling the volunteers. Vijay is leading the whole
organisation of the event. 

As for showcasing PyLadies Bangalore, I'm not sure what's the best way
to do it. If we have a startup row or an open exhibition type area, I
suppose we could put up a pyladies booth there for you and the others to
run. I think we did something like this for hasgeek last year. 

The other option would be for you to put in a talk about the effort.


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