[Inpycon] Updates

Anand Chitipothu anandology at gmail.com
Fri Jul 20 17:41:33 CEST 2012


Here is an update of whats happening with the conference and where you can

We'are doing quite well in terms of sponsorship. Enthought confirmed that
thy are sponsoring the conference as platinum sponsor. And couple of gold
sponsorships are in the pipeline.

We've confirmation for the keynote speaker. Will announce the details

Trying to see if we can get second keynote speaker. If it works out, we'll
have 2 keynote talks, one on each day of the main conference.

I've deployed a new design of the website. It is based on HasGeek's
eventframe software and has a blog integration. It allows editing the
content from the admin panel instead of working on the code base. So it is
now easier for others to help with the content.


There are about 11 talks submitted in the funnel. I think it is not bad,
but it can become better if we push a little harder on publicity.


There are about 215 registrations so far and again, publicity will help
speed up the registrations.

We badly need some posters and may be a logo to brand the conference.
Anybody interested to help regarding this?

There is BangPypers meeting this saturday (july 21). We'll discuss about
PyCon India there. If you are interested to volunteer, please join.


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