[Inpycon] Minutes of the volunteer meeting on Saturday

Anand Chitipothu anandology at gmail.com
Mon Aug 20 07:26:35 CEST 2012


We had volunteer meeting on Saturday from 5:30PM to 6:30PM at Indian
Coffee House, Church St.

The meeting was attended by:

* Kapil Dua
* Sabhinesh
* Ashwin
* Yeswanth
* Anand Pillai
* Anand Chitipothu

Noufal and Sree were there for first few minutes and left early.

We discussed about various tasks that need to be done before the
conference and at the conference.

The tasks that we need to do before the conference are:

* Talk to vendors to find rates for:
    * furniture
    * standees and banners
    * badge, pouch and lanyard
    * food.
* Hospitality - help people coming from other cities to book hotels
near the venue and help them with directions etc. on the day of the

At venue, we need volunteers for:

* registration desk
* distributing swag
* session chairs - to make sure the talks are running on time
* managing inventory
* video recording

We discussed what talk each one of us can take. And here is the end result.

* Ashwin is taking care of hospitality. He is going to find hotels
near the venue. He'll probably need support for more volunteers.
* Yeshwant is going to talk to all the vendors over phone and find out
their rates. He also need support for some volunteers to go and meet
each vendor when needed.
* Kapil is going to be volunteer coordinator. He'll keep track of all
the volunteers. When someone needs some volunteers to help with
something, he is the contact point.
* Sabhinesh is going to work with Kapil.
* Anand Chitipothu is going to talk to food vendor and find the rates.

Kapil also mentioned that there are 10 people coming from Span
Infotech, the place where he works, and all of them can help as
session chairs.

I've created couple of google docs with vendor contacts, volunteer
contacts etc and share them with all the volunteers.


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