[Inpycon] Fwd: Pycon India 2012 in LFY

satyaakam goswami satyaakam at gmail.com
Thu Aug 16 14:46:21 CEST 2012

>> PyCon to offer:
>> 1. Status of 'Media Partner' to the 'LINUX For You magazine'
>> 2. 9 sqm pre-fabricated stall at the event
>> 3. Visibility through logo presence in the event promotional
>> collaterals printed before and after the event such as (wherever
>> applicable)
>>      - emailers
>>      - print advertisement in various trade magazine, national dailies etc
>>      - show directory
> Kindly elaborate on this, does this mean, my email will be in the directory
> ?
afaik all  the times the sponsors are interested in the email
addresses , i would  still take a clarity on this one  . anything else
you see which could be with  potential issues?


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