[Inpycon] CFP draft

Baishampayan Ghose b.ghose at gmail.com
Wed Mar 2 08:37:09 CET 2011


> Some more questions related to the CFP....
> 1. Should the CFP should also make a call for tutorial tracks or
> we handle them separately ?

Let's keep them together, but state the requirements clearly for each
of them. We can have two different types of talks - "talk" &
"workshop". Both have different duration & material related

> 2. Do we want to highlight certain themes for this year's
>    conference - while not "tracks" per se, these could be
>    some themes we highlight in the topics. Examples
>    could be NoSQL with Python or Cloud computing using Python,
>    the rather "hot" topics of late.

We could. As a matter of fact, we were thinking about having three
tracks, "newbie", "advanced" & "theme". IMHO it's a good idea to have
a general theme. As far as themes like "NoSQL with Python", don't you
think that those talks will turn out to be general evangelism about
the NoSQL DB and some tips about using the related client library?
It's not bad per se, but can turn out to be monotonous if we have many
talks along the same lines.

> 3. Talk lengths - Do we keep 30 min slots or have 45 min
> and 1 hour talks ?

I would recommend 45 mins (+/- 5 mins) with a solid 10 minutes for Q&A
and a break of 5 mins between every talk.


Baishampayan Ghose
b.ghose at gmail.com

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