[Inpycon] Bringing tickets to the venue

Noufal Ibrahim noufal at gmail.com
Fri Jul 29 07:18:32 CEST 2011

Harshad Oak <harshad at rightrix.com> writes:

> With printouts not only does a lot of paper get wasted, but carrying
> printouts is inconvenient for most delegates.
> IMHO it's much simpler to just ask people to carry some id, present it at
> the welcome desk (driving license / PAN / company card...  ) and cross check
> with the list. There's no good reason for someone to take the trouble of
> faking an id at an event like Pycon.


Fair enough. It's just that you're assuming the best of people which is
not true. 

For example, they often ask for different sized T-shirts. With a ticket,
it's simple and clear. Also, it results in shorted queues when people
don't have to cross check lists.

The US PyCon had a nice idea which was to preprint delegate badges and
keep them there (they do it for around 1000 participants). Just hand the
badge to the chap along with the details of the shirt etc. printed on it
so that that there's no confusion. Swag was distributed from a different
desk on a different day. 

Also, it gives us a way of knowing who registered/paid but didnt attend.


Honk if you are against noise pollution!

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