[Inpycon] Speaker Compensation

Harshad Oak harshad at rightrix.com
Wed Jul 6 05:43:12 CEST 2011

With reference to mail below, please let me know what our policy on speaker
compensation is. I think we should have a page on the site that we can point
to in response to such a query.


- I have deleted the sender's name for privacy.

---------- Forwarded message ----------

I am a student and lives in Chandigarh which is far away from the
Pune. I have also registered a talk named as "Hungry Snake - My First
Game Using Pygame API" . My pygame articles also got published in the
May and July edition of the Linux For You. I really want to attend
this pycon.
I am a student and I can't afford the expanse for my whole trip. Can
you provide me any compensation in any manner??? I have read somewhere
that pycon's provide the travelling allowance to the needy one or so.
So plz help me. I don't want to miss this opportunity at any cost.
Waiting for your reply

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