[Inpycon] Issue / Task Tracking for Pycon India

Anand Chitipothu anandology at gmail.com
Tue Feb 15 05:49:32 CET 2011

2011/2/15 Gora Mohanty <gora at mimirtech.com>:
> On Tue, Feb 15, 2011 at 8:39 AM, Dhananjay Nene
> <dhananjay.nene at gmail.com> wrote:
>> All,
>> One of the first things I tried to look at is the availability of a hosted /
>> SaaS offering for Issue / Task Tracking.  Note: self hosting is something I
>> would really like to avoid to save time and energy.
> [...]
> Not sure about what software your options are built on, but for Python,
> there is Roundup: http://pypi.python.org/pypi/roundup . Especially nice
> is the email integration. The drawback is that one would need to host
> it oneself.

I don't really agree that we used exclusively use python-only software
for running the conference.

The code for in.pycon.org website is hosted on github.


I'm going to start working on putting the new website there. One
option is to use the same issue tracker for managing the conference.


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