[Inpycon] 2-year policy and advance bid requirements for host cities!

satyaakam goswami satyaakam at gmail.com
Sun Feb 13 05:37:18 CET 2011

>> Agreed! I now completely buy one argument which Kenneth had that
> Coimbatore geographically probably can bring in a larger crowd for Python
> enthusiasts. Python probably has a bigger base in Kerala and Tamil Nadu
> colleges, than anywhere else. And this could bring in the numbers. But is
> numbers all that matters is the question?

no if your claim of base is correct then it has more meaning to give
exposure to get them to next level, yes it does matter in some cases but
then there  are different school of thoughts on this one.

one is going the masses way other is focussed on vertical silos , i think
both are important for  Foss ecosystem.

for eg: the moment foss.in transformed from generic foss based event to the
more elitist programmer only thing i stopped  going to it , also there were
other reasons too , pugs as lugs are important one cannot live without other
, lugs are the nurseries pugs and other groups i would say
have involved from these roots so the trick is to not to alienate and cut
our own roots rather have a harmony.

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