[Inpycon] Ayodhya verdict

Santhosh Divakar santhosh.divakar at gmail.com
Thu Sep 23 06:03:50 CEST 2010

Reply From Ramdas/ He possibly forgot reply-all. But this is of relevance.

> Not necessary. It all depends on the college. The event happens within the
> college, and if the authorities deem its OK, its OK. Police has no role
> inside a college unless the principal or college authorities call police
> they cannot even enter campus.
> Section 144 does not allow you to have a crowd ( more than 4 people is
> technically a crowd) in public spaces. A college auditorium is not exactly a
> Public place.
> Again, we can only have the event if college permits. CM has declared
> holiday for the college, which means no classes to ensure that students do
> not get caught between any communal violence.
> This is a prestigious international event, and I am sure the college
> authorities may buy into our argument and allow us to have a 2 day event.
> --
> Ramdas S
> +91 9342 583 065
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