[Inpycon] Ayodhya verdict

Noufal Ibrahim noufal at gmail.com
Wed Sep 22 19:56:01 CEST 2010

On Wed, Sep 22 2010, Pradip Caulagi wrote:

> On Wed, Sep 22, 2010 at 10:39 PM, Noufal Ibrahim <noufal at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Okay. As far as I can tell, the situation is that 25th will be a
>> lockdown day. Prohibitory orders under Section 144 will be in effect on
>> Saturday which will cripple us.
> How do you know this?


I read some news reports to this effect. One is above. Do you have any
other information on this?

>> Whatever we do, it's going to have some negative effects, people's
>> travel plans will get messed up, people might miss their talks, etc. We
>> need a plan that will minimise impact.
>> I propose that we shorten the event to a one day conference. Sunday
>> only. We can set up the equipment on the eve of th 25th and have a one
>> day conference starting at 9:00am and going upto 6:00pm or so. I am
>> going to the college tomorrow along with Sree to talk to the
>> principal. If we can get two or three halls more, we can fill in the
>> talks and accomodate everyone. It will be tighter and some people will
>> miss talks they wanted but it's the only option I can see.
> I don't think we need to take such drastic measures.  If we do have
> problems on 24th, then 25th will be a washout too, as people would
> probably not want to venture out.

Yes. That's why I propose that we do a one day conference on the 26th
(Sunday). Cancel 25 (Saturday). This is a disaster situation plan.

> So I would say - status quo - unless we have more information like
> confirmation from Police Commissioner that movements will be
> restricted.

I agree. I think we'll have concrete information by noon tomorrow after
which I'll go to the college to decide. However, I'd like to thrash it
out here before we make any final decisions. I'm evaluating disaster
scenarios. We're not making any decisions yet. I'd like to discuss this
on the list so that we have some plans in place if things take a turn
for the worst. I'd also like to keep people notified of what we're
planning to that they're prepared.

Thanks for your comments. 



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