[Inpycon] Fwd: Is there any local python groups in coimbatore?

Sathishkumar Duraisamy flowerslab at gmail.com
Sat Aug 21 11:06:00 CEST 2010

Hi all,

Here my friends and myself wish to participate in PyCon india 2010 (total of
six persons). My bank ( SBI ) is not available in internet banking/ debit
card (Maestro). I have been checking my friends with other banks. Meanwhile
I wish to know is there any local python groups in coimbatore? so that I can
give registration fee to them directly. Otherwise if any person takes
responsibility I shall transfer registration fee to their account?

With Thanks

(Two mins back I have mistakely sent from another mail account which I have
not registered with mailing list inpython)
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