[Inpycon] Venues

Anand Balachandran Pillai abpillai at gmail.com
Tue Apr 27 12:34:42 CEST 2010

On Tue, Apr 27, 2010 at 3:53 PM, Noufal Ibrahim <noufal at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello everyone,
>    We were working on the assumption that we could use the IISc. JN
> Tata auditorium.
>    Apparently, they've increased their rents from 75k a day to 1.65L
> a day. This puts them beyond us.
>    We need some suggestions for other venues.
>    Anand C. suggested IIMB and the NIMHANS auditorium. Are there any
> other suggestions?
>    I am going to IIMB this weekend for some personal work. I can
> inquire there and report back. Can someone contact NIMHANS and ask
> them about their auditorium?

Does Viswheshwaraiah Engineering College have a conference
hall or lecture halls that can be used ? AFAIK, it is in the middle
of the city. Does anyone here have contacts ?

 We can also try other colleges such as PSG tech in Bangalore.
 There are a number of them in good locations in the city
 which can be good venues.

 Those here who have passed out of engineering colleges
in Bangalore or have contacts, please stand up and shout.

> Thanks
> --
> ~noufal
> http://nibrahim.net.in
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