[Inpycon] First cut of grand schedule

Anand Balachandran Pillai abpillai at gmail.com
Fri Apr 23 11:12:58 CEST 2010

On Fri, Apr 23, 2010 at 11:20 AM, Noufal Ibrahim <noufal at gmail.com> wrote:

> I haven't put it up on the wiki yet but if you folks can take a quick
> look see and voice your thoughts, we can refine it on the list. I'll
> post it up on the wiki with alterations once the discussions converge.
> Does it look reasonable?
>                Overall schedule for PyCon India 2010
>                =====================================
> Date: 2010-04-23 11:19:02 IST
> Table of Contents
> =================
> 1 Till end of April
> 2 May1 - May 10
> 3 By end of May
> 4 June 1 - June 30
> 5 July 1 - July 30
> 6 August
> 7 September
> 1 Till end of April
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
>  - Discussions on long term aspects like
>    - Dates
>    - CFP
>    - Number of tracks
>    - Venue finalisation and begin talking (JN Tata is my vote).
>    - Wifi provider
>    - A/V provider
>    - Food provider
>  - Development and setup of website so that we have our public
>    face (by May 1).
>  - Start advertising by word of mouth/twitter
> 2 May1 - May 10
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
>  - Discuss sponsors on list
>  - Finalise main list (the must haves - others can come later and
>    we'll accomodate)
>  - Finalise benefits in each tier
>  - Prepare sponsorship brochures
>  - Assign people to start talking to the sponsors.
>  - The bank account should be ready so that we can get funds by
>    atleast May 15.
> 3 By end of May
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
>  - Get commitments from atleast a few sponsors
>  - WiFi is a priority. We should somehow get a provider like AirTel
>    to sponsor this. One person should be in charge of this.
>  - A/V shouldn't be as hard as wifi but we need a person who'll be
>    in touch with them.
> 4 June 1 - June 30
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
>  - Mainly focussing on sponsors. This month will be a little hazy
>    since our steps forward depend on how much cash we'll make.
>  - It will also be one of the most critical since no money == no
>    conference.
>  - The moment we make enough to book the venue, we should go ahead
>    and do it.
>    - Now we have a minimal conference with no wifi/food.
>    - Put up pages on the website detailing nearby restaurants and
>      stuff in as much detail as possible.
>  - Depending on what the financial situation, we can take the call
>    here on international speakers. They're the main luxury we can
>    cut off.
>  - Discuss of CFP on the list (details like how many etc.)
>  - We (ie. Anand) will also discuss with the PSF whether they can
>    sponsor a speaker or two from abroad.
> 5 July 1 - July 30
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
>  - CFP (July 1)
>    - Announce in and shamelessly publicise it
>    - 3 weeks to send papers. July 20 is the cut off date.
>    - 2 or 3 weeks to review papers. Authors will be notified by
>      early/mid August. (team to review papers - a few from India and
>      few from abroad).
>    - By end of August, the abstracts should be with us.
>  - Find a caterer and negotiate prices (same as last time?)
>  - By the end of this month, we should have a confirmed conference so
>    official publicity can start (media etc.)
> 6 August
> ~~~~~~~~~
>  - Recieve papers from interested parties.
>  - Discuss keynote/invited speakers - This would depend on budget
>    and by this time we should be clear on when/what we can do.
>  - Tie up loose ends. This is getting fuzzy.

 The dates should be finalized before we send out the Call for
 proposals. Also I think CFPs should be send at an earlier date so
 we give around 1-2 months for proposals to be sent. July 1 is too late
 for a mid-late Sep conference, we should send for CFPs by June 1st
 and put the last date for CFPs in August 1st week which gives a clear
 2 months for it.

 By June we should have the track discussions and planning done
 so the CFPs can be slotted properly. I can start working on this
 once I finish helping with the fossconf stuff.

 Accepted proposals should be intimated by August end.

> 7 September
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~
>  - Somewhere in the middle (15 - 20) - official conference dates.

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