[Inpycon] Registration system [was] Budget estimates

Noufal Ibrahim noufal at gmail.com
Wed Apr 21 16:14:54 CEST 2010

On Wed, Apr 21, 2010 at 5:54 PM, Vivek Khurana <hiddenharmony at gmail.com> wrote:
> This is going to be fun... A ruby powered app used to manage a python
> conference, where we will have talks (most probably) on various python
> frameworks...

Perhaps use CherryPy instead of Apache or Lighttpd? Or maybe rewrite
mySQL or whatever db they're using in Python perhaps?

Doattend has a fully working application which we can pay a little for
and make our conference better. If there was a Python based
application from a company that we could outsource it to, I'd prefer
them but there isn't.

>  For all the problems listed against fossconf app are *fixable*. These are
> fairly standard problems with the development of any new project. If last
> time's efforts spoiled publicity, we have time in hand right now, we can
> start fixing problems from now. As for app crashing, we can have more than
> one admin to take care of the app.

Whatever gave you the idea that we have time on our hands? We have
almost no funds, haven't decided on the venue, haven't talked to a
single sponsor, don't have a venue booked and have done *nothing*. The
conference is to take place in a few months and you want to spend time
developing an app?? I find the idea ludicrous to say the least.

If it eases your conscience, I'd like to point out that we're not
asking them to host the entire site. We will have a wiki as our main
site using Moin or Infogami or any other Python based wiki software
that people like and outsource the registration to doattend.

If you can conscript enough developers to produce something similar to
what doattend can do and keep it running with proper commercial level
support throughout the duration of the conference, I'd welcome it. I
don't think that's practical and don't want to waste time on that
aspect of things.

>  I think using a ruby powered app, for a python conference is like slapping
> python on face. Will Drupalcon guys  ever use anything other than drupal to
> build drupalcon site and sell tickets ? Will Ruby guys use a non-ruby app to
> host rubyconf?

Rubyconf used static HTML and outsourced the registration to doattend.

>  If we dont have any agreeable pythonic app, just put moin-moin wiki and
> create a page where attendees can add the names.

That's what we're doing. The registration process is what's being
outsourced. Not the entire site.

>  I don't know about others, but I for sure will not be buying a ticket for a
> python conference which uses a non-pythonic app for registration process.

If you're serious, I'd like quote the hg migration pep

"We are pragmatic enough to not choose a tool simply because it is
written in Python, but we do see the usefulness in promoting tools
that do use it when it is reasonable to do so as it is in this case."

There are no available options to doattend and I don't see a reason
not to use them except a sort of blind puritanism that I think is

Like I've mentioned before, the site is tiny *tiny* part of the whole
event and registration part is even smaller. To bicker over this and
to spend valuable time coding doesn't seem wise to me.


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