[Inpycon] Registration system [was] Budget estimates

Vivek Khurana hiddenharmony at gmail.com
Wed Apr 21 14:24:39 CEST 2010

On Wed, Apr 21, 2010 at 1:31 PM, Noufal Ibrahim <noufal at gmail.com> wrote:

> I called and spoke to doattend. Using their services would increase
> the price of each ticket (they charge per ticket sale) by around 30 -
> 40 INR (for a 200 INR ticket). This is perfectly fine.
> I set up a test event. It took 10 minutes to do and I understand that
> the list of registrants will be available along with the details we
> ask for exportable as a CSV so it works fine for us.
> http://noufal-test.doattend.com/ is the URL in case you want to try it
> out. The payment information is bogus so please don't try to send any
> money.
> They also have an offline payment system where people can send them
> money or finally if people want to register on the spot, the list of
> people is available so that's doable as well.
> I'm totally in favour of using their services. They're affordable and
> provide a really cool service.
> I vote strongly on a wiki + doattend for the site.
This is going to be fun... A ruby powered app used to manage a python
conference, where we will have talks (most probably) on various python

 For all the problems listed against fossconf app are *fixable*. These are
fairly standard problems with the development of any new project. If last
time's efforts spoiled publicity, we have time in hand right now, we can
start fixing problems from now. As for app crashing, we can have more than
one admin to take care of the app.

 I think using a ruby powered app, for a python conference is like slapping
python on face. Will Drupalcon guys  ever use anything other than drupal to
build drupalcon site and sell tickets ? Will Ruby guys use a non-ruby app to
host rubyconf?
 If we dont have any agreeable pythonic app, just put moin-moin wiki and
create a page where attendees can add the names.

 I don't know about others, but I for sure will not be buying a ticket for a
python conference which uses a non-pythonic app for registration process.


The hidden harmony is better than the obvious!!
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