[Inpycon] Registration system [was] Budget estimates

स्वक्ष vid at svaksha.com
Wed Apr 21 05:15:50 CEST 2010

On Wed, Apr 21, 2010 at 08:21, Vivek Khurana <hiddenharmony at gmail.com> wrote:
> On Wed, Apr 21, 2010 at 8:08 AM, स्वक्ष <vid at svaksha.com> wrote:
>> Here is an option:  Since web2conf[0], a web2py application is
>> available to other pycon teams that wish to use it for local events,
>> we could consider using it. Its currently used for pycon registration
>> (its not the entire site) and the Brazilian team has an updated
>> version for the current web2py which is yet to be merged into the
>> repo. Its a separate app that serves the registration sub-pages and
>> functions and does not share data tables, nor logins (this means folks
>> will have to register separately for registration) with the  "main
>> conference site".  Thoughts?
>> [0] http://code.google.com/p/web2conf/source/browse/?repo=pycon2010
>  What happened to Kenneth's conf management app ? Though it needs a serious
> face-lift, but that is more of front-end work.

Please read what I wrote above-- web2conf is a separate app sans
interface with the "main conference site". If we used it it would
still remain separate, hence requiring two logins.  But, If Kenneth's
conference app can handle online payments then we stick with it
--Since he wrote it, he would know more about it:)

> Secondly, services like google checkout and  paypal wont receive funds in

You have a point.

> and they will also require us to have a credit card in the name of

Why would the society need a credit card? I thought people paying the
society would need either a debit or credit card.

>  I would suggest to keep the overheads to minimum, lets stick to collecting
> cash or DD at the venue.

My mail was in response to suggestions for budget estimates if the
process is outsourced to an agency. If we (read society) do it
ourselves then what options do we have and if outsouced what are the

thanks and regards,
vid || http://svaksha.com

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